Regional Director (SC)

702-755-3536 //

Tony Rogers - Testimony and Bio

Tony was converted in prison in 1993 when he heard the gospel from a Presbyterian minister. He was so overjoyed at the good news of life and salvation in Jesus Christ that he immediately began to tell others about Him. The desire to make Christ known never abated. He was released in 1995 and began a long course of pursuing the requisite training to be a gospel minister. After doing the remedial work necessary to acquire a high school diploma and a college degree, he graduated from seminary with a Bachelor of Divinity.   During this time, he got married and had four children. He was ordained to gospel ministry in 2020 and started serving as the regional director for Metanoia in South Carolina. Presently his work is focused on ministering to prisoners in Perry Correctional Institution. He also visits churches to spread awareness of Metanoia and to recruit and train believers to serve in the mentorship ministry as well as the corresponding discipler program. He would love to see the ministry from Perry expanded to all the prisons of South Carolina. 

This year he has been going through stories of imprisonment in the Bible, focusing on the imprisonments of men like Joseph, Jeremiah, John the Baptist, and more, and what we can learn from them. When Tony is not working, he and his family enjoy their free time reading books of all sorts.